The Adventure Cup
Canoe North Adventures is lucky that owner Al Pace is a Studio Potter. In 1994, the idea of the Adventure Cup was born! Each evening, we come together as a group and celebrate the experiences of the day with a splash of wine, whiskey sour, tea or juice in our personalized cup. Each cup is meticulously carved with a northern animal such as a bear, caribou, muskox, ptarmigan, moose or wolf. As the trip evolves and the adventure unfolds, the cups take on a mythical quality and symbolize the spirit of adventure and embody the camaraderie of the group. At Canoe North Adventures, we take pride in fostering and nurturing this close-knit camaraderie within each group. No wonder our most loyal trippers proudly display their growing collection of Adventure Cups in a place of honour in their homes. Each cup tells a unique story of experiencing a journey through a remarkable wilderness and memories of friendship..