You are both remarkable individuals with so much to give. When you said your job was to turn dreams into reality – mission accomplished. Thank you for the encouragement and that final push to make it happen. It was truly an adventure and a learning experience, I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Julie Pomeroy
On this snowy day, I wonder what it is like on the Keele River now. My winter camping days are behind me but your Keele River expedition proved to me that not all my great adventures are behind me. I can still do it. Thanks for the experience.
Jennifer Cox
Pacer! I just wanted to thank you again so much for the trip to the Yukon. It was a trip of a lifetime and I’ll never forget it … all thanks to you!! The memories that I am left with will be with me for the rest of my life. We all had such an amazing trip and that’s all thanks to you.
Megan Emerson
Al, with great appreciation for all the passion, knowledge, humour and commitment to the Grove and the Irving Expedition that you have demonstrated in so many ways throughout our voyage on the Keele. You have instilled your love of the north in me!
Vicky Boomgaardt
Canoe North Adventures has consistently brought canoe adventurers to Norman Wells. During this time, Canoe North Adventures has been a customer of good standing with North-Wright Airways. They bring with them a professional, friendly staff and are a pleasure to work with. Lin and Al have become a recognizable face to many people in our community. They always have respect for everyone they meet and our community. During the summer, the staff of Canoe North Adventures is part of the North-Wright family. We work closely and have become good business and personal friends with Al and Lin.
Carolyn Wright